
Function ipBindFile()

ipBindFile — Mark repository file as being used by a plugin. The point of this is to instruct ImpressPages to prevent original file in repository from accidental deletion. See ipUnbindFile on how to undo this action and mark asset as not being used by the plugin.


ipBindFile ( string $file , string $plugin , integer $id , [ string $baseDir ] )

Mark repository file as being used by a plugin. The point of this is to instruct ImpressPages to prevent original file in repository from accidental deletion. See ipUnbindFile on how to undo this action and mark asset as not being used by the plugin.

Package: ImpressPages


string $file file name relative to file/repository/. Eg. 'im-naked-in-the-shower.jpg'
string $plugin plugin name that uses the asset.
integer $id single plugin might bind to the same file several times. In that case plugin might differentiate those binds by $id. If you sure this can't be the case for your plugin, use 1. You have to use the same id in ipUnbindFile
string $baseDir = 'file/repository/' by default repository locate files in 'file/repository/'. If you work with 'file/secure' dir, pass this value here.
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