Migration from 3.x
Content migration
It is impossible to update ImpressPages 3.x website to ImpressPages 4.x due to incompatabilities in plugin and theme architecture. But there is special Import / Export plugin that helps to port data from your old website to the new one.
Plugin architecture changes
Plugins in ImpressPages 4.x are located in “Plugin” directory and all appear in one level. One folder per plugin.
No more separate bootstraps for admin area and public area. You can use the same MVC approach for both.
- No globals like $site and $session. Instead ipContent(), ipConfig(), ipDb(), ipSesion() shorthands. Look
Theme architecture changes
Theming in ImpressPages 4.x is very similar as before. But even less PHP and shorter syntax:
3.x |
4.x |
$site->generateHead() |
ipHead() |
$site->generateBlock('main') |
ipBlock(‘main’) |
$site->generateJavascript() |
ipJs() |
$site->addCss(BASE_URL.THEME_DIR.THEME.'/ip_content.css'); |
ipAddCss(‘assets/ipContent.css’) |
$this->generateManagedLogo() |
ipSlot(‘logo’); |
$this->generateMenu('anyNameYouLike', 'top') |
ipSlot(‘menu, ‘menu1’) |
$this->generateSlot('ipBreadcrumb') |
ipSlot('breadcrumb') |
$this->generateBlock('ipLanguages') |
ipSlot(‘languages’); |
Other things to keep in mind:
Lightbox is no longer a direct responsibility of the theme. Lightbox now is a plugin.
To override default CMS or plugin views, add files to ‘override’ folder inside the theme
Zones concept has disappeared. Now we have menus and pages. You can create menus in page management section of admin. Each page has it’s own URL. No restrictions on how the URL has to be built. Put any page anywhere and assign any URL you like.